On this site...
for inventioneering, business to business
support, and training
development, material handling, automated machinery, composite structures,
and pleasure boats
for small business, hardware, network, online administration, and webwork
to our fine arts, photography, digital graphics, and non-fiction
color about Highgate, Key Colony Beach, and, of course, North Puffin...
And it all starts
right here
Malware, hacks, and virii are proliferating faster
than even regular spam. Here's our best advice:
Carefully identify your most valuable intellectual
property and data, then place it on a separate computer network not linked
to the
Internet. The so-called air gap is a PITA but it can keep your data in
your hands instead of the bad guys'.
And remember, if you retrieve Monika0207g35's
message that she has a new webcam and who just wrote to tell you she is
"a hot sexy young blonde with huge new ***s!!!", you're on your
If you have received spam from a dickharper, harperCo,
or northpuffin address, please let us know. Click
here and paste a copy of the mail you received with the full headers
into the body of your email message.
Click here for more info